Holabird Elementary Middle School – Drone Update

A drone captured these pictures in August, showcasing the construction progress at Holabird Elementary Middle School in Baltimore, MD. Our team has been hard at work this summer and this project is tracking a LEED Platinum certification.

Holabird is a Net-Zero project featuring Insulated Concrete Form (ICF) wall construction and will be featured in one of our next updates. Learn more about how we can provide cost and time savings on your project, while meeting eco-friendly program goals.

Bay Brook Elementary Middle School – 6 Month Construction Time Lapse

This 6-month time lapse from February to August 2019, captures the construction of the new Bay Brook Elementary Middle School project.

CAM is currently the Construction Manager on the project, partnering with the Maryland Stadium Authority, Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates, & 21st Century School Buildings Program.

Our team’s ability to meet an aggressive schedule and owner reporting requirements is showcased by the progress within the video.

Project Schedule

During the Pre-Construction phase of the project, our team crafted specialized plans to ensure the success of the owner’s demands. CAM’s team ensured pricing and bid packaging through project specific definitions, to match the anticipated schedule and stay within the project scope.

Our team presented and executed an early hazmat/demolition package for the existing school, along with the complete sitework package so we could hit the ground running once the full budget appropriation was made and the final contract could be issued. All pricing and budgeting included a six-day work week which has been fulfilled to meet the aggressive schedule.

Construction Specific Software Solutions

Through the use of construction specific software, our field staff ensures that we remain compliant with the Owner Controlled Insurance Program (OCIP) & project reporting requirements. Our staff utilizes Eyrus software, which allows for the collection of live, real-time, project manpower data. CAM reviews the daily data to evaluate and ensure adequate manpower is provided at all times. This data populates live custom reports, assisting our field staff and management team’s efficiency and reporting accuracy.

CAM’s team implements this software with our sub-contractors during our initial project specific safety orientation. We use this time to train, upload, and begin our field administrative process. The project team has noticed that real-time data reporting and the ability to receive customized notifications, allow for valuable project cost & time savings.

New Psalmist Baptist Church Connection Center now under construction!

Our team has started construction on the new Connection Center, within New Psalmist Baptist Church’s Baltimore campus. This new multi-purpose center will be used for ministry and fellowship activities. We provided both Pre-Construction and Cost Estimating services throughout the design process. Click on the link to learn more about this 7,500 sf facility.

All images shown are provided by Sanders Designs Architects & planners.

Pontiac Mills Development – Retail/Office & Residential Apartments

The Pontiac Mills Development project is the adaptive reuse of more than 20 separate historic textile mill buildings, into a mixed-use complex. This historic redevelopment is comprised of over 50,000 sf of office/retail space and 135 residential rental apartments, along the banks of the Pawtuxet River in Warwick, RI. 

Originally built in 1963, this development has been declared a Nationally Registered Historic District and is approved as a historic structure from both the State of Rhode Island and the National Park Service. 

CAM performed Pre-Construction and is completing Construction Management services to this project. The final buildings are set to be complete within the upcoming months. 

Baltimore City’s First Net Zero Energy Buildings

Here is an informational video by Grimm + Parker Architects, showcasing two of our educational projects within the Baltimore Community.

Graceland Park/O’Donnell Heights & Holabird Elementary/Middle School will be the first NET ZERO ENERGY buildings in Baltimore City, providing state-of-the-art 21st century learning environments for Baltimore City Public Schools.

These prototype schools demonstrate Baltimore’s focus on project based learning, sustainability, and energy conscious schools in urban environments. Stay tuned for more updates, including the Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF) installation.

Video Credit: Graceland Park/O’Donnell Heights + Holabird Elementary/Middle School from Grimm and Parker Architects.

Bay Brook Elementary Middle School – Under Construction

The Bay Brook Elementary/Middle School project is now under construction. This project consists of approximately 119,000 sf of new construction, to replace two existing facilities and modular classrooms. The new school will feature a three-story classroom wing, with flexible & interactive learning environments throughout the building.

Our team is partnering with Crabtree, Rohrbaugh & Associates – Architects, Maryland Stadium Authority, Baltimore City Public Schools, Brailsford & Dunlavey, Inc., & 21st Century Schools, as we look forward to a successful completion date in November 2019.

Stay tuned for more updates throughout construction!

Robert Poole Building to Open for Upcoming School Year

The Robert Poole Building is home to The Academy for College and Career Exploration (ACCE) and The Independence School, a project within the 21st Century School Buildings Plan. This project renovates the original historic building and demolishes several later, outdated additions, replacing them with two new additions.

Click here to view more photos!