Annapolis Data Center (Comptroller of Maryland)

The Annapolis Data Center (“ADC”)  is home to the Office of the Comptroller’s Information Technology Division, amongst other occupants and functions. This secure DGS facility provides mainframe computer services for its parent agency, the Comptroller of Maryland, as well as many other State agencies. The ADC’s operational costs are fully reimbursed from its customers via charges for computer usage and services rendered. The ADC is the largest of the five mainframe data centers in the Maryland State government. Some of the applications supported by the ADC include the Maryland State Integrated Tax (SMART) System, the State Payroll System, the Maryland State Financial Management and Information System (FMIS), and Medicaid.

This 64,000 sqft Georgian-style building was constructed to enable critical revenue collection services and taxpayer data storage for all citizens across the State of Maryland. It was equipped with cutting edge technology at the time, which has been updated repeatedly as systems evolve. The building is integrated seamlessly within the historic state office building complex, with connecting links to adjacent structures constructed much earlier in the 20th century. It was designed to mimic the traditional architecture seen across the State Capitol, consistent with the brick pavers and colonial aesthetic of the surrounding streetscape. It is a fine example of the grand civic buildings which identify the center of the city.