Youth Education and Rehabilitation Center


The Youth Education and Rehabilitation Center (YDC) is a 81,000- square foot facility that houses 60 detainees and is located on Greenmount Avenue in Baltimore. Located at the northeastern corner of the Correctional Complex campus, the facility comprises new construction and renovated areas formerly occupied by the Baltimore Pre-Release Unit. The new construction was in place of the main facility of the Baltimore Pre-Release Unit, which was demolished for this project. The area that was renovated was part of a former warehouse building.

The YDC is a dedicated pre-trial facility for youths that provides the extensive support services required of a juvenile population, including a full educational program operated by Baltimore City Public Schools. The facility also includes medical and mental health as well as athletic/recreational spaces geared toward the specific needs of a youth population.

The pre-trial center will provide educational and service benefits to its occupants. This new center will provide the mandatory sight and sound separation from the adult population, while allowing the occupants to take part in an educational program operated via Baltimore City Public Schools. Before this facility, the youth population was detained with hardened criminals, as they awaited trial without the ability to take part in educational and rehabilitative services.

The educational wing separates the school from housing, which will increase a sense of normalization for the youth population. With spaces like state-of-the-art classrooms, a full-sized gymnasium, art-room, media center, and collaboration centers, this facility will focus on educating and rehabilitating rather than just housing its occupants.

The building offers the ability to provide a full assortment of medical servicing capabilities. The facility includes a medical infirmary, full dental clinic, exam rooms, isolation rooms, psychology and behavioral health services and dialysis, and a spacious waiting area within the medical wing. This medical/health wing was designed and constructed around the specific needs of a juvenile population.

The facility achieved LEED Gold certification. A few of the integrated sustainable features include urban site selection and site density, reduction of water usage, a highly efficient building envelope, high-performance HVAC systems, efficient LED lighting sources, and recycled or readily renewable materials and finishes.



Hereford HS Renovation & Addition

This 188,000 square foot renovation and addition project was scheduled for twelve distinct phases and necessitated double shift work for over two years. The tightly scheduled project also  remained occupied throughout its duration.

Due to the complexity of the job, the aggressive schedule and the sheer acreage of the facility, CAM managed the renovation, the addition, the site work and the creation of a new pre-treatment waste water facility as four individual sub projects. Each of these sub projects had its own shifts and crews.

For nearly the entire duration of the project, the renovation required that CAM work two full shifts during all times when the school was closed to mitigate any impact to the administration and student population. The day shift proceeded form 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. while the second shift worked from 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. The second shift included an entirely different workforce and superintendent who worked closely in concert with the day shift superintendent.

This twelve-phased 143,000 square foot renovation included remediation of asbestos and removal and disposal of PCB ballasts. Renovations also included demolition throughout the school, installation of all new finishes and fixtures, new casework and classroom accessories and work to the mechanical, sprinkler and electrical systems.  Tightly coordinated phasing mandated that work be completed for the students to return to the renovated classrooms in accordance with the schedule. Parts of the building were vacated during breaks which allowed for unimpeded progress in some areas.

The addition was primarily constructed during the day shift.  It consisted of a new three-story, 45,000 square foot building with a cafeteria and STEM science addition. The addition is connected to the existing building via a new enclosed second floor bridge link.  The new structural steel, brick and cast stone structure also creates the new feature entry into the school.  Upon completion of the new addition and entry, the school moved into the new spaces while the renovations and site work continued.

The addition includes a new cafeteria with a full service kitchen, pantry and serving areas, eleven new Biology classrooms, Chemistry and Physics laboratories with prep and storage rooms, restrooms, offices and circulation areas.  Science casework, shelving and fume hoods as well as extensive IT requirements differentiate these spaces from typical high school classrooms.  A new HVAC system was also installed that includes a two pipe chilled water system and boiler.

The site work on this 270 acre facility was also primarily performed during normal working hours.  Additional night shifts were incorporated during work which required tying in to the existing electrical infrastructure. Site work also included extensive grading, paving for roadways and parking lots, and the installation of utilities and drain fields.

Twelve new storm water management ponds were also installed adjacent to five athletic complexes all of which needed to remain operational throughout the school year and for scheduled recreation programs during the summers and school breaks.

The fourth sub-project represented the construction of a new waste water/pre-treatment facility. The facility has the capability of handling 10,000 gallons/day.  In addition to serving the school as a waste water treatment plant, the building also serves to house and care for livestock associated with the school’s agricultural program.

During the entire project CAM managed logistical challenges as well.  Since there was only a single entry and exit to the school and site, deliveries were tightly coordinated with the 40 school buses and student and staff vehicular traffic. Materials for the project could only be received during specific windows of time which varied with the school’s event calendar.

Despite nearly three years of continuous construction activity, major school activities including concerts, proms and athletic activities were incorporated into the schedule and proceeded without interruption.

Rombro Loft Condominiums

Converting a historic, six-story, inner city office building into 17 condominium apartment units presents many challenges, particularly when the first floor of such a structure remains occupied as a functioning dialysis clinic throughout construction.

When the building was once home to the Baltimore Office of the Bureau of Tobacco and Firearms, complete with lightweight concrete floor topping, surveillance equipment, and reinforced drywall partitions, the task becomes even more challenging.

CAM Construction was employed as the Construction Manager at Risk for the project and aided in keeping the tight budget controlled and constructed many of the units with loft areas, high-level finishes, and appliances.

Storefront windows were replaced to provide operable window units with appropriate profiles, and the common areas were all completed without interruption to the ongoing work of the clinic. The award-winning building provides affordable housing to Baltimore residents and is another outstanding effort for the West Side Redevelopment of the city.

Injured Workers Insurance Fund – Headquarters

Executives and employees at the six-story, 80,000 square foot facility had several problems. There was a severe shortage of parking spaces for their employees and guests, the interior elevators were older and deliveries needed to be brought through the lobby, the finishes and office furniture were outdated, and most importantly, the HVAC system did not work properly. Specifically, the office areas above the parking garage were so cold in the winter that no one could work in the area.

IWIF employed CAM as a CMaR to aid them in resolving these issues, hiring a design firm and completing the construction within their occupied offices. A new 165-space parking lot was constructed adjacent the building, complete with decorative fencing, retaining walls and a remodeled entryway into the building. The new elevator was construed within a building addition that provides access for both employees and deliveries to each of the floors. The HVAC problem was alleviated by a newly designed system and was installed while the building was being renovated.

The ultimate challenge to this project was that the building remained occupied throughout construction. The lobby and each floor were renovated individually, employees relocated, office furniture deliveries were coordinated to meet the floor by floor renovation, cut-throughs were made to the floors for the elevator access, and the unused first floor auditorium was converted into usable office and conference space. Complex cabinetry and millwork create an outstanding executive and boardroom area. All work was completed without disruption or loss of work time for the IWIF employees.

St Elizabeth Rehabilitation & Nursing Center

Renovating the public areas of an occupied building is always challenging, but doing so throughout a multi-story structure occupied by the elderly and their caretakers is particularly so. Virtually every finish material for the renovation was either custom made for the project or purchased from vendors throughout the United States and Europe. The design intent for the renovations was that newly installed entryways into the resident rooms, hallways, and common areas would resemble their former homes and to create “neighborhoods” where the elders reside in a “person first” environment. Seven different pediment entries were all custom fabricated and received a different painted finish to create the appearance of a “neighborhood”. Work was completed to the resident entries and corridors without need for a single resident relocation. Each of the corridors was completely renovated with new wall coverings, new drywall bulkheads, and custom-designed residential-style lighting.

The existing nurses’ stations were converted to gathering areas, and custom built-in charting/med stations were relocated to newly created recesses within the corridors. CAM’s forces completely renovated the two day rooms on each floor, leaving one operational while the other was under construction. Warming kitchens were renovated and a new scullery to serve the kitchens constructed without interrupting meal service. Four bathing facilities on each floor were completely renovated with custom made, onsite cut, European ceramic tile, residential style lighting, towel warmers, and new bathing equipment

Elevator lobbies and common areas throughout the resident floors, as well as the main lobby, with its connecting hallways, were renovated without interruption to the daily activities of the facility. Work was conducted in multiple phases, day rooms were relocated, and the challenge of a schedule was slowed so as not to engender anxiety among the residents; all of these tasks were ably handled by CAM forces.

One particular challenge was the fact that the originally contracted design team defaulted as the project began, making CAM the de facto design/builder for the project.

The second part of CAM’s contract included the construction of the new outdoor pavilion directly adjacent the roadway leading to St Elizabeth’s main entry, which is used for parties and entertainment for the residents and their families. This new custom-built structure provides a sheltered area for entertainment and respite.

Holy Angels Catholic School at Seton Keough High School

CAM was employed as the CMaR to convert a portion of the Seton Keough High School into the new Holy Angels Catholic School to quickly accommodate the relocated pre-school, kindergarten, and/or elementary school children. CAM met their commitment to working within the stringent deadline of less than 2 months for opening the new school.

While few exterior modifications were required, the entire new school needed to be separated from the high school’s interior, complete with fire separations and fire alarm upgrades throughout. Asbestos needed to be abated, classrooms and restrooms needed to be created or modified, and new restrooms were added to meet the needs of the new elementary and pre-school students.

The seven existing “gang” restrooms were completely gutted and reconstructed with all new fixtures, partitions, and accessories, and ceramic tile floors installed. The administrative area for the high school needed a facelift, and a portion of the former convent was also renovated for use as office space.

New administrative offices were constructed to accommodate the Holy Angels Catholic School staff. and a new Health Suite was constructed to serve both schools. CAM renovated two existing classrooms for use as a Computer Lab and Library and also added air conditioning to the space, while several of the existing rooms were converted for use as Pre-K and K classrooms. All new IT cabling and systems were installed throughout the school, and fire separations were constructed at both the corridors and all staircases to meet new fire code regulations. Additional fire alarm work needed to receive a certificate of occupancy and was added to the scope during the course of the renovation.

CAM was also charged with adding onto work that had already been designed and at an increase of more than 40% if the cost of the original project in added scope or work were necessary due to the discovery of unforeseen conditions. These tasks were all completed without the ability to add time to an already foreshortened schedule. For example, previously unforeseen asbestos-containing materials were abated under full containment regulations as an addition to CAM’s scope of work.

The existing school structure now has two separate and secure entries, one for each of the schools, as well as distinctly different classrooms, administrative areas, restrooms, etc., and it is able to share the auditorium and athletic facilities without interrupting the curriculum of either schools.

Although classes end in June each year, a school remains occupied throughout the summer break, and CAM was able to complete their work throughout all three floors of the building without adversely impacting the school’s summer schedule. CAM’s commitment to “doing what it takes” to meet a schedule was once again demonstrated when the staff and students returned on time to the newly renovated schools.

LSOP St. Martin’s Home

In early summer 2007, CAM was retained by the Little Sisters of the Poor as a Construction and Design Advisor for the construction of their new 180,000-200,000 square foot Provincial Home, one of only three in the US, serving the needs of the 80 residents, 20 Sisters, and the needs of the entire Eastern Province for the order.

Originally accepting the role as owner’s expert construction advisor, CAM would have been precluded from constructing the facility. Throughout more than 18 months of regularly scheduled design and planning meetings, CAM was an integral part of all discussions regarding programming, materials selections, budgets, cost analysis, parallel estimates, and value engineering. At CAM’s urging and advice, environmentally conscious materials and green building techniques were incorporated into the plans and program for the new structure. Plans for the new structure were halted at 100% design development drawings, and the Little Sisters of the Poor elected to renovate their existing occupied facility, hiring CAM as the Design/Build Construction Manager at Risk for the project. This faith-based home has required extensive pre-construction work to allow it to proceed to final design and construction, all completed at the originally quoted price. Multiple phases of construction have been added as contributions have been received to allow the project to proceed.

CAM aided the Sisters in preparation of an RFP for design services and selection of the team to complete this multi-year, multi-phased project. Challenges that CAM has overcome during this project include providing for independent and assisted living needs as well as those requiring skilled nursing care, with a convent for the Sisters themselves, while constantly evaluating cost and durability.

The 200,000 sq. ft. renovation project is planned for at least five phases, three of which are completed, including the complete design, the chiller replacement, and most currently, the renovation of four “cottages” totaling 56,000 sq. ft. as well as the renovations to 22,000 sq. ft. of the lower level’s laundry wing, boiler wing, corridors, and cottage mechanical rooms.

Phase IV work will renovate the large chapel, the convent, and the Postulate. Future plans include renovations to major administrative areas, creation of a new Main Street, and the balance of the lower level.

Like many faith-based retirement communities, St. Martin’s Home includes a chapel, an auditorium, dining rooms, a commercial kitchen and laundry, administrative areas that were quite expensive, a medical suite, offices for Social Services and physical therapy, a publication office, and a planned “Main Street” area, which contains resident amenities such as a game room, beauty salon, and gift shop. Construction costs for the complete renovation project are estimated at approximately $25 million.

Patuxent Institution – Kitchen and Perimeter Security

CAM successfully managed the renovations and new construction at this fully occupied, medium-security facility within the 40-acre security fencing. The project included construction of seven separate buildings, many of which were phased, occupied renovations, where CAM maintained excellent owner interaction to ensure uninterrupted facility use.

The seven-phase project within an occupied, operational correctional facility included importation and placement of more than 115,000 cubic yards of fill, installation of 7,000 lineal feet of 16-foot-high, double correctional facility fencing, a new sallyport, and two new 40-foot-tall brick, block, and concrete guard towers.

Renovations and construction also included new asphalt-paved parking for 700 vehicles, a 14,000-square foot visitors center and gatehouse, a 4,000 square-foot addition to an existing building, a and fully equipped, 15,000-square foot kitchen which, with its $1.5 million in detention-approved kitchen equipment, is operated in part by prisoners.

Building construction is brick, block, and concrete. This multi-phase, multiple-building project, within an occupied area, is evidentiary of CAM’s capabilities and represents one of the successful projects completed by the CAM/Bushey Feight Morin team.

Maryland Golf & Country Club

CAM was selected to provide Construction Management at Risk services for this multi-phased renovation and addition project. Services included: assistance with development of a long-range master plan, completion of a constructability study and associated value engineering, and selection of the Architect/Engineer team to implement the plans for renovating and adding to this fully occupied facility.

Renovations included expansion of the Ballroom, construction of the new locker room, expanded Golf Shops, and new Cart and Club Storage areas. Entries were required to remain open and operational in order for the Club to continue serving its members.

Value engineering efforts by CAM provided significant savings of approximately $300,000 from the original budget for the project.

Bid packages were developed to avoid duplication of work by the trades, the project was bid by multiple qualified trade contractors, and the renovations and additions were completed under CAM’s supervision. All work was completed while the facility remained fully occupied by members and guests, and the club’s calendar was not adversely affected by the multiple phased construction efforts.

Due to its complex phasing within the occupied facility and the high level of finishes required by country club construction, the project was recognized with an ABC Baltimore award for construction excellence.