CAM’ Celebrates ABC Award of Excellence for Youth Education and Rehabilitation Center
Our Youth Education and Rehabilitation Center project received an ABC Award of Excellence this week, in the category of General Construction Over $10 Million. We would like to thank everyone involved with this project’s success!
Here is a photo with the Owner (Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services), Architect (Penza Bailey Architects), and our Project Manager (Vince Culotta). Click the link to view more information about the project. #CAMBUILDS #AwardWinningServicesSince1962
Eastern Family Resource Center Opens!
New Facility Includes Expanded Homeless/Transitional Shelters and Community Health Services
Click the picture above for a recap of the facility or click here for more pictures!
Youth Detention Center Project Feature –
Our Baltimore City Youth Detention Center was recently featured on
This new youth detention center has 60 beds and five housing units total, which include four housing units for male detainees and one for female detainees. In addition, the facility includes medical and mental health geared toward the specific needs of a youth population, with a medical infirmary, full dental clinic, exam rooms, isolation rooms, psychology and behavioral health services.
Click on the picture or link below to view the new article.
Click here to read the article on
Youth Educational and Rehabilitation Center Set to Open
The Youth Educational and Rehabilitation Center in Baltimore, will be dedicated to providing health and educational services for pretrial youths.
As a dedicated pretrial facility for youths, the Youth Educational and Rehabilitation Center (Youth Detention Center) will provide the extensive support services required of a juvenile population, including a full educational program operated by Baltimore City Public Schools. The facility also includes medical and mental health services, and athletics/recreational spaces geared toward the specific needs of a youth population.
The facility is designed to achieve LEED Silver certification, however the project achieved LEED Gold. A few of the integrated sustainable features include urban site selection and site density, reduction of water usage, a highly-efficient building envelope, high performance HVAC systems, efficient LED lighting sources, and recycled or readily renewable materials and finishes.
Click here for more information from a local media outlet.
Mike Marshner – Baltimore Business Journal’s “People on the Move”
Mike Marshner, our Business Development & Marketing Manager, was recently highlighted in the Baltimore Business Journal’s People on the Move.
Marshner recently joined the CAM team this year and will oversee our business development & marketing operations. Mike can be reached via
ABC Award of Excellence Winner – Hereford High School
CAM Construction is proud to announce the award winning Hereford High School, STEM Renovation & Addition. 
This 188,000 square foot occupied renovation and addition project was completed in twelve distinct phases by using both day and night shifts. CAM Construction managed the renovation, the addition, the site work and the creation of a new pre-treatment waste water facility as four individual sub-projects each utilizing their own shifts and crews.
Click Here For Project Details
Little Sisters Celebrate Award of Excellence
Pictured Sister Christian, Marc Munafo, Sister Roberts, Mother Joseph, Gerry Keefe, Mother Loraine, Sister Lawrence Mary, Carol Norris
April 28, 2016 was a joyous night. The Little Sisters gathered to celebrate the Award of Excellence presented by Associated Builders and Contractors for the Saint Martin’s Home Chapel, Convent and Postulant Renovation project. CAM is honored to continue its nearly 8 year relationship with the Little Sisters. Click here to find out more about the Little Sisters and their mission of serving the needy elderly. Click here to find out more about the project.
CAM Construction wins three ABC Awards of Excellence
This year CAM Construction continues it award winning legacy by capturing three ABC Awards of Excellence. The award winning projects are listed below.
All Saints Evangelical Lutheran Church Fire Restoration
An electrical fire virtually devastated the social hall/kitchen/restrooms and storage areas on the lower level of this church, smoke from the fire permeated the entire building making it difficult to worship or work. The newly renovated Church is now “better than ever before” fulfilling the dream of their former Pastor, Churchill Wortherly ,who had once been the head of purchasing for Morgan State University and sadly passed away before the project was completed.
Basilica of the Assumption – Adoration Chapel Renovations
This small chapel dedicated to people considering religious life is highlighted by an antique monstrance which was literally fished from Loch Raven reservoir and gifted to the Archdiocese of Baltimore. All work was completed without a single interruption to the ongoing masses and activities of our nation’s historic first Roman Catholic Cathedral.
Little Sisters of the Poor Saint Martin’s Home Chapel, Convent and Postulant Renovation
This operational home for Baltimore’s elderly poor is run by the Little Sisters of the Poor Baltimore. The chapel is used multiple times per week by residents, the Sisters themselves and families of residents who celebrate birthdays, anniversaries or the life of their loved ones who reside at St. Martin’s. Great care and sensitivity was required not to disrupt the lives of the residents or their on-site religious caregivers. The finished chapel renovation transforms the worship space originally constructed in 1966.
CAM Construction’s carpenter Charles Lapp wins apprenticeship contest
Charles Lapp son of Field Superintendent Jeff Lapp, won ABC Baltimore’s recent written and hands-on competition in the field of carpentry. He followed in his brother’s footsteps who won the competition 5 years earlier. He will travel to the National Craft Championships.
Click on this link to read the full story.